On the evening of Thursday, June 13, the CTS-IT will be upgrading REDCap’s OS. You can expect a downtime for REDCap from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. while we complete the upgrade.
The entire REDCap system will be down so all users (including the REDCap Team) will be unable to access their projects during the downtime. As a backup, users may want to download copies of their project’s data collection forms from REDCap in case they need to collect data while the system is offline. This also means that participants will not be able to access and/or submit surveys while the system is offline so you may want to make participants aware of the downtime. If your project has surveys that are scheduled to go out via ‘Automated Survey Invitations’ during the downtime, they will be sent out when the system goes back online.
Note: You can get PDF copies of all of your data collection forms on the Project Setup page (above the Online Designer button) or individual form(s) on the Online Designer page next to the data collection instrument’s name.
Once the system is back online, users will be emailed to let them know they can access REDCap again.