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What is the CTSI Recruitment Center?

Thanks to the UF Institutional Review Board, Dr. Elizabeth Flood-Grady had an opportunity to present the CTSI Recruitment Center services and expertise at the IRB Brown Bag lunch on March 9, 2022. This 50-minute video will help you understand how your study’s recruitment needs can be met via social media…

New institutional social media guidelines available

Updated social media guidelines have been posted online on the UF Office of Research website, as of Dec. 20, 2021. This document offers general guidelines for research teams planning to use social media, which is defined as web 2.0 applications for individuals and groups to create specific profiles and pages…

Social media campaigns for study recruitment resume

During the pandemic, paid social media campaigns managed through the Recruitment Center were put on pause. This fall, we resumed this service under the management of Elizabeth Flood-Grady, PhD. Research teams can request to share recruitment materials as unpaid, organic posts to the UF Studies Facebook page. The CTSI…

Watch NIH discuss All of Us Research Program 10 a.m. Monday May 6

At 10 a.m. Monday, tune in to watch the livecast of NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., discussing the All of Us Research Program, which launched last May. UF Health is celebrating its first anniversary as one of the nation’s 25 participating medical institutions, part of the SouthEast Enrollment…