Welcome to the CTSI Biorepository
Would you like to store biospecimens? Please click below to fill out the application.

If you are looking to obtain biospecimens, complete the steps below
Step one
Get Permission from the IRB
You must have permission from IRB to use our services. We have resources to help you submit to IRB and gain approval. Click below to view our guide. You will also need fiscal contact information.
step two
Submit the Full Application for UF CTSI Biorepository Specimen Services
Once you have IRB approval, submit a copy of the Full Application for UF CTSI Biorepository Specimen Services
Step three
Complete the Confidentiality Agreement
Are you requesting de-identified information only? Complete the Confidentiality Agreement on the IRB website by going to “Confidentiatlity Agreement for Data and/or Specimens”. Clicking on the link will download the Word document in your browser. If you have IRB approval to obtain identifiable information, you do not need to complete this form.
step four
Use the following language for publications and grant awards resulting from the use of the Biorepository
Research reported in this publication was supported by the University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute, which is supported in part by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences under award number UL1TR001427. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
step five
Client Feedback
Click below to complete the client feedback survey.
Once you complete these steps, you will utilize the Existing Clients section of the website.
Applying for tissue instructions
Submit an Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol through the myIRB portal. For instructions on submitting a myIRB protocol, follow the directions in the myIRB Electronic Submission Researcher Manual.
- Check Yes to the question, “Will you be using Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) resources?” This is question number two, under the Requested Review Type section of the protocol in myIRB.
- In the CTSI Ancillary section of the myIRB protocol/revision, check the box next to Biorepository.
- Submit (attach) a completed and signed (by both parties) IRB Confidentiality Agreement with your application/protocol.
The following language can be used for the IRB protocol:
Our method involves using XXXX (type and number of specimens)samples of Florida patients with XXXX (type of condition/ disease) obtained from the UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Biorepository. Patients will be consented with the CTSI Biorepository consent form, and this consent will be maintained in the CTSI Biorepository facility, as specified in IRB protocol #201501053. The samples will be de-identified and coded. The only data that will be requested from the biorepository includes XXXX (Describe the data you will request from the biorepository) (e.g., age, gender, race, diagnosis).
If you already have an approved IRB protocol, also submit a minor revision informing the IRB that you will be obtaining samples from the CTSI Biorepository.
Revision requirements and language
- Check Yes to the question, “Will you be using Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) resources?” This is question number two, under the Requested Review Type section of the protocol in myIRB.
- In the CTSI Ancillary section of the myIRB protocol/revision, check the box next to Biorepository.
- Submit (attach) a completed and signed (by both parties) IRB Confidentiality Agreement with your application/protocol.
- Complete the BIOR-AD-FM-001 Application for CTSI Biorepository Services and return it to the Biorepository.
The following language can be used for the IRB protocol: We will obtain We will obtain TYPE OF samples from the CTSI Biorepository. Samples will be de-identified and coded. The CTSI Biorepository IRB protocol number, under which the samples are collected, is 201501053. The only data collected will be XXXX (type of data) (e.g., age, gender, diagnosis).
- Revision Q1 | What is the revision?: Addition of the CTSI Biorepository to the study protocol as a source of specimen procurement. The CTSI Biorepository will collect the required specimens from patients consented with the CTSI Biorepository consent and these consents will be maintained in the CTSI Biorepository facility as specified in their IRB protocol 201501053. The samples will be de-identified and coded. We may request patient data which includes (Describe the data you will request from the biorepository)”
- Revision Q2 | What is the justification for and/ or the purpose of the revision?: Addition of the CTSI Biorepository Group to the protocol
- Revision Q11 | List any specific information that needs to be included in the IRB response letter.: Approval to add the CTSI Biorepository Group to the study, as a source of specimen procurement