Follow the guidelines below, designed to facilitate your research experience in the UF CRC. You can also download this tip sheet using the button below.
Once your protocol is approved by both the IRB, you will need to set up a time to meet with a liaison at (352) 294-5900 or CTSI-CRC_Budget_Req@ad.ufl.edu. to discuss the protocol, order worksheets and set up an in-service for the staff on the UF CRC.
UF CRC Protocol Submission Process
- Complete UF CRC Request for Services form
- Attach protocol, Informed Consent Form (ICF), the PI’s CV, and lab or pharmacy manual if available
- Submit questions to CTSI-CRC_Budget_Req@ad.ufl.edu.
Outpatient visit
Scheduling outpatient visits are required at least 24 hours in advance.
Approval of scheduling request is 24-72 hours You will receive an email confirmation of receipt of your request and a follow-up email of approval or denial of your request once it has been processed. Requests received after 4 p.m. for visits the following day will be denied. Last-minute scheduling should be done by phone at (352) 294-5882 to Christina Eagan in addition to online scheduling.
All worksheets and orders must be signed, including date and time, by the MD for your study and be available (faxed is OK) 24 hours prior to your patient’s visit. FAX: (352) 294-5899. If your study uses blood collection kits from a central lab, we ask that these are brought to the CRC lab the day before as well.
CRC hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Scheduling your participants
To request a study visit, use the “UF CRC Online Admission Request” button below.
- Use the Request for Medical Record Number Form (page 5 of this document) to obtain a Shands medical record number if your subject does not have one. Email the form to Becki Mullins in admissions, mullib@shands.ufl.edu.
- Please include race and ethnicity when scheduling participants. This information is included in our NIH reporting.
All research subjects must be consented prior to initiating protocol activities. One signed copy of the informed consent is given to the research subject and another copy is placed in the UF CRC chart. You will retain the original for your subject files.
Research Subject Advocate
The role of the Research Subject Advocate is to maximize the safety and promote the rights and welfare of all research subjects on the UF CRC. Our Research Subject Advocate is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other Useful Information for CRC Protocols
Participant parking is located adjacent to the Clinical and Translational Research Building (CTRB) on the first floor of the parking garage. Spaces reserved for participant parking are marked with light-blue signs. Parking passes can be obtained from the UF CRC to be given/sent to your participant prior to their appointment. The passes are to be placed on the dash of their vehicle with the date of the visit in bold marker. (Maps and directions are available in the UF CRC if needed).
UF CRC Dietician
Plan to meet with the UF CRC Dietician Jean Michelson, jmichelson@ufl.edu, if your study requires any special dietary needs.
The coordinator is responsible for informing participants where to obtain food if the standard “Jimmy John’s” meal was not budgeted.
UF CRC Core Laboratory
Plan to meet with the UF CRC Laboratory Technician, Tomy Mathew, (352) 294-5896 / tomathew@ufl.edu, to discuss logistics of any labs sent to outside laboratories, other lab requirements, and specimen retrieval. Please provide a copy of the laboratory manual for your study if available.
Shands Clinical Laboratory
If you have blood tests that will be run at Shands Clinical Laboratory, you will need to obtain research pricing by emailing LabCustomerService@shands.ufl.edu. You will need to provide a list of tests, PI, contact name and contact information. This information will be needed for your RAC submission.
Policy and procedure for specimen processing and retrieval
You can access the policies and procedures for specimen processing and retrieval by downloading and submitting the policy document. The policies begin on page three.