Loan Repayment Program Toolkit

LRP Ambassador – Ben Lewis, PhD

LRP Testimonial

The NIH Loan Repayment Program helped mitigate the psychological and financial burdens of student loans after graduate school, allowing greater focus toward my postdoctoral studies. The program was easy to apply for and well worth the effort. I strongly recommend all eligible trainees apply. I'm pleased to act as a program ambassador and happy to share my experience with potential applicants.

Resources and toolkits

Upcoming information sessions and related events


NIH Loan repayment applications

NIH is ACCEPTING applications

Applications are open from September 1 through November 15 at 8:00 p.m. EST.

Program-specific information and notices

Click here for additional detailed information about each LRP.

  • Extramural Loan Repayment Program for CLINICAL RESEARCHERS (LRP-CR) (NOT-OD-20-133)
  • Extramural Loan Repayment Program for PEDIATRIC RESEARCH (LRP-PR) (NOT-OD-20-136)
  • Extramural Loan Repayment Program for HEALTH DISPARITIES RESEARCH (LRP-HDR) (NOT-OD-20-137)
  • Extramural Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for INDIVIDUALS FROM DISADVANTAGED BACKGROUNDS (LRP-IDB) (NOT-OD-20-134)
  • Extramural Loan Repayment Program for CONTRACEPTION AND INFERTILITY RESEARCH (LRP-CIR) (NOT-OD-20-135)

Become an LRP Ambassador

LRP Ambassador –

The Ambassador Experience

As an LRP Ambassador, I share information about the program in all presentations that I give to students, trainees, and residents. I am also available to speak to anyone interested in learning more about the program and to provide guidance for their applications.

The LRP Ambassador Program is a network of former and current LRP awardees that promote the NIH LRPs within their local extramural scientific community.

The NIH LRP application cycle is open from September 1 through November 15.  You have experienced the many benefits of the LRPs, now is the ideal time to share this information with your colleagues.

Learn more about the application components by checking out the updated LRP Application Guide. Stay tuned for our upcoming application assistance webinar, and Ambassador webinar. (dates coming soon!)  Remember, you can access the LRP Ambassador Guide that will help you get through questions that you might receive. (password to access the guide: lrpambassador) LRP Ambassadors are vital to helping the NIH sustain biomedical research and discovery across this nation! Want to apply?  Here are some suggestions on how to get ready… Obtain their NIH Commons ID and make sure their password is up to date

Check out our LRP Application Guide to learn about application components

Reach out to an NIH LRP Program Officer to discuss their research

Reach out to their Institutional Business Official (IBO) and inform them of their desire to apply

Same application deadline for applications, and colleague and institutional documentation – November 18, 2021

Our LRP Ambassadors

UF COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY | Department of community dentistry

Yenisel Cruz-Almeida, PhD, MSPH

Research Interest: My research interests are to elucidate the underlying nervous system mechanisms associated with increased clinical pain in older adults that impacts cognitive and physical function. This area of interest stems from my previous multidisciplinary research training in the fields of Neuroscience and Epidemiology.

Yenisel Cruz-Almeida

UF College of Pharmacy | Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy

Joshua Brown

Research Interest: Medication effects on aging and mobility

Joshua Brown