TL1 scholar Cuc Tran honored for mentoring contributions

From left to right: Natalie S. Small, Ph.D., Parker A. Small Jr., M.D., Cuc Tran, doctoral student and TL1 trainee, and Eduardo Subero celebrate Tran’s award at UF’s Graduate Student Research Day 2014.

Cuc Tran, a UF CTSI TL1 Scholar, is a recipient of UF’s 2014 Graduate Student Mentoring Award. Given by UF’s Innovation Through Institutional Integration program, or I-Cubed, the award recognizes graduate students in STEM disciplines who help others succeed as graduate or undergraduate students or in K-12 classrooms. She was recognized at a ceremony on Oct. 28 during UF’s Graduate Student Research Day.

A doctoral student in the UF College of Public Health and Health Professions department of environmental and global health and recipient of a CTSI TL1 predoctoral training grant, Tran’s research interests include influenza control and school-based influenza vaccination programs. Before starting her doctoral studies, she served as the coordinator for the School-Located Influenza Vaccination program in Alachua County, which provided influenza vaccinations to more than 30,000 children and has been recognized by the CDC and the American Medical Association.

For more information, visit the departmental announcement.