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Achieving Excellence and Integrity with Responsible Conduct of Research

At CTSI, we lead with integrity and distinction in all our endeavors. Excellence requires continuous improvement, accountability, and the courage to recognize that there is always more we can do to deliver the highest quality performance. CTSI embodies excellence in many ways, and today we will showcase just one resource…

Biotility’s BACE Credentials Approved in Washington and Texas

Biotility is excited to announce that the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) has been added to the Texas Education Authority’s list of approved Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) AND approved by the Washington State Board of Education!

2022 CTSI Town Hall

Monday, Aug. 22 | 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. 2022 CTSI Town Hall Join us for an in-person Town Hall featuring keynote presentations from CTSI leadership on the current state…

UF Health expedites clinical data-sharing across UF

To expedite clinical data delivery, UF Health’s data experts are introducing ready-for-use, UF Institutional Review Board-approved patient record registries to help faculty and staff advance medical knowledge and the delivery of care.